The CMA is a Non-Profit Company established in 1973. With currently over 60 corporate members, it is recognised as being the official voice of the conveyor industry and works actively to promote the excellence of belt conveying in southern Africa.
All members subscribe to the Code of Ethics. As a prerequisite for membership, this regulates the relationship between members and their clients, customers and suppliers among other things, so inclusion of the membership certificate is a useful addition in all tender packs.
Members’ meetings are held every two months. Here important feedback on activities of the Technical Working Groups, Projects, Conferences, Technical meetings, Social events and other industry-related issues is provided and debated. Member companies (project houses, component manufacturers and suppliers of components), enjoy a networking forum after each meeting.
Members are encouraged to form part of Working Groups and Sub-Committees dealing with current industry-related issues so that they can make direct input into such things as National Standards and Technical Handbooks. The CMA is actively involved with SABS in the setting of industry standards relating to belt conveyors.
The CMA has become the platform to take up any challenges with the Government, SABS or other bodies on behalf of the industry. A succession of meetings and negotiations have been held to expedite the testing of Fire Retardant belting, which involved the DMR, SABS, belting manufacturers and end users. The CMA keeps members constantly informed of any problems or innovations in the belt conveying industry and in conjunction with SAIMH holds Joint Forum meetings on technical matters relating to the industry.
The CMA endorses and works actively with Bulk Handling Today, the only South African magazine dedicated to the belt conveying industry. CMA underwrites and is actively involved with the Beltcon conference and exhibition. Beltcon in turn is the platform used for informing and advising the industry on the latest developments in the conveyor industry both locally and internationally. Beltcon 1 was held in 1981 and has been held in Johannesburg every two years since. Beltcon 21 took place on 2 and 3 August 2023.
CMA is the sole organiser of SafeCon, a biennial industry conference covering all aspects of safety in belt conveying. SafeCon is a re-branding and expansion of the previously successful Safety Symposia held in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Currently SafeConhas been incorporated into the Beltcon conferences.
In striving to promote the excellence of belt conveying in southern Africa the CMA regularly runs a number of training courses on various aspects of belt conveying. These include a one-day Beltsman's course, a three-day Conveyor Certificate course, a six-day diploma course, and a three-day chute design course run in conjunction with the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Newcastle, Australia. Courses on the basics of belt splicing and longer practical belt splicing are in the planning stage. All these courses are discounted 25% to member companies. Members participate in various social events throughout the year, which includes the Annual Dinner and Award ceremony, and the Annual Golf Day.